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Langley Grammar School

Langley Grammar School

Year 10 Talk The Talk workshops

On Thursday 9 March, our year 10 students experienced the 'Talk The Talk' programme as part of our wider school focus day. The day was designed to develop students' skills in oracy, and culminated with every student delivering a speech to their peers, showcasing the skills they had developed during the day. This article, written byJasmine Panesar in 10S, reveals more.

The day was called 'Talk the Talk' and involved a company coming into school to give us a communication masterclass. It helped us become more confident and build upon our speaking skills.  Employability skills, interview techniques and key presentation methods are just a few of the things that were covered during the day.


We learnt different techniques throughout the day, but the overall goal was to deliver a speech to our class at the end of the day, on a topic of our choice.  The topics ranged from football, to global warming.  It was a great summary to the day as we could include everything we had learnt in it.  As we were recording the speeches on our iPads, we were able to look back at them, and critique and praise them.

The day really helped all of us improve our communciation skills and confidence in speaking to an audience. Year 10 would like to thank the company Talk the Talk as well as all teachers involved in making the day a success.