Year 11 PCS Children In Need Fundraising

Year 11 students raised money for children in need through many exciting activities, on Friday 17 November.
This article was written by Jasmine Panesar- 11S
During PCS lessons, year 11 learnt about the charity, Children In Need, and how much of a big impact it makes on children and their families in the UK. We then looked into different ways of fundraising, preparing ourselves for the next lesson.
On the day of the fundraising, everyone was buzzing with excitement. We came into PCS classes with lots of money to give to Children In Need, all we had to do now was to do our chosen fundraising activity. It was a 50 minute challenge, which meant we had a limited amount of time to reach our targets of raising as much as we could in the short lesson time that we had.
Everyone split up into their respective groups and began fundraising. Activities were vastly varied, from brownie eating, to creating artwork! Other activities included a dance marathon, decorating cupcakes, and also slam dunk challenges. We worked our hardest to meet our fundraising targets that people had kindly donated money for us to complete. We had our game faces on, from the beginning until the end. We kept in mind that some people would donate money after we had reached our goals. We needed every penny we could get; it was a competition after all and that meant even more money raised for Children In Need.
Overall, we all had a great time fundraising, and what made it better was knowing that we were helping so many people by doing so. Having the lesson beforehand, on how Children In Need helps young people, really made us more driven to gain as much money as we could. Our class raised over £356.37 in 50 minutes, which wasn’t bad going and the final total across all the year 11 classes stands at £1,155.78 with more money still coming in.
The class totals were as follows, so well done to our class who raised the most money!
Miss Thompson's class - £237.94
Miss Moriarty's class - £186.84
Mr Cook's class - £269.84
Mrs Close's class - £104.79
Mr Aplin's class - £356.37