Year 7 history visit to Warwick Castle

On Tuesday 19th June, students in year 7 visited Warwick Castle to learn about Middle Ages and find out how castles changed over time.
This article was written by Sumedha in 7R
We boarded the coach, and were eagerly waiting to reach Warwick Castle. It was a long journey but definitely worth it. We all got off the coach ready for our exciting trip to begin. First we went to the castle and explored it. We then learnt about its defensive features and where best to attack it from. There were lots of spiralled staircases to climb, and beautiful views to enjoy when we reached the top.
After the first task (viewing the castle) we stopped for lunch and as we picnicked we watched a trebuchet in action. An instructor explained how it worked was whilst the “crew” fired a missile from the weapon. It was an impressive sight: 18 metres high and 22 tonnes in weight. It was incredible seeing how fast and how powerfully the rock was shot.
We enjoyed the show and then went of to a peacock garden! It was incredible, we even saw quite a few peacocks opening their feathers. Finally, we went to a bird of prey show where we saw many endangered birds. These massive birds were really stunning and they flew over the land rapidly.
It was a great way to end the day too. Just before we left we were allowed to go to the gift shop and also have some free time, just to look around and explore other areas that we had not been to.
All of Year 7 had a great experience and we’d like to thank the history department for organising such a great event, and all the teachers who came with us on the trip.