Year 9 Focus for a taste of GCSE

On the 18th June, all Year 9 students got the privilege to explore, develop and enhance their skills in finance, health, practical food, communication and social intelligence as part of Focus Day.
This article was written by Krish in Year 9.
Before the day began, the Year 9 students were divided into groups of 10. Each group focused on different areas of skills development and many sessions were held throughout the day.
All the activities that involved interaction with the other forms’ students made the social intelligence session very interesting and fun based. The session gave us the idea on how to converse with a wide variety of people in a tactful and appropriate way. Many of the activities were engaging and required team work to build on each other’s ideas and work effectively to complete the task.
Equally important, the Finances Workshop emphasised around the value for money and explained how credit and debit cards work and how to avoid and deal with financial problems. It helped to understand how setting positive money habits now will help in the future.
Another very interesting session was of Critical Thinking Skills which left us thinking analytically and being open minded to different situations.
In the Communication session, we all participated in a fun-filled treasure hunt in which all the clues were in German. This required a mix of interpersonal, problem solving and communication skills for the group to work together.
We then had a health and well-being session, here all the students participated in High Intensity Training, which took perseverance and gave us the experience of personal achievement while building our resilience and confidence.
To summarise, Focus Day had many interesting and interactive activities in store for the Year 9 students. On behalf of all of Year 9, I would like to thank the staff involved in organising the brilliant and beneficial sessions for Focus Day.