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Langley Grammar School

Langley Grammar School

Year 10 GCSE Art Trip

On Tuesday 20th March, GCSE Art students paid a visit to the London Aquarium and the Natural History Museum to get some inspiration for their work back at school.

This article was written by Shreya Ramteke in 10S.

We all gathered in the canteen in the morning, and after a short register and talk about the day, we began our journey to London. First up was a visit to the aquarium. On arrival, we were briefed what we had to do:  take at the very least, 40 photos of the animals as well as 3 videos. In our small adventure, we had to finish a couple of quick sketches on different backgrounds that we prepared during lessons. We saw everything from fishes to turtles, crabs to jellyfish. After lunch, we made our way out towards the coach again, to travel towards the Natural History Museum.

Our time at the museum was spent sketching some of the exhibits and taking photographs that we could use back at school. We began by drawing the whales and then moved to on to look at some of the other exhibits. By the end of the day we had collected lots of useful material, and had plenty of things to inspire us for our work back at school.

The trip was a great day out, as well as being educational, it was very enjoyable, so thanks to the staff for organising it for us.