Oliver School Production

Staff and students at Langley Grammar have been hard at work, producing a wonderful rendition of the well-known musical, Oliver. The performances planned for this week represent the culmination of months of work with the team learning lines, designing the set, sourcing props and attending rehearsals. It promises to be an amazing show.
This article was written by Arya Naik 9H
The entire cast of Oliver have been rehearsing at lunchtimes, after school, and at home in their spare times for around 3 months. We all embraced our characters and thought of how they would act, dance, speak and what they would wear. The main reason this event is being held is because we want to showcase the talent that Langley Grammar School possesses. We want to show parents and teachers that the students are capable of being committed, confident and professional. Also, we want to encourage other students to participate in productions or shows in the future.
As a cast, we have all learned to help, support and work well with each other. We have all improved as performers in many ways; whether it be a large or small amount. It has been an enjoyable experience as we have tried things that may not have been our strongest points and overcome a few ‘obstacles’ in our way. Despite the problems we've faced, we have remained positive in our outlook and worked as a team. All our hard work has been worthwhile.
Oliver is being performed on three nights, Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th July in the school hall, with tickets still available for purchase on the door.