Year 12 Super Learning Day

On focus day, Thursday 9 March, year 12's participated in the enriching experience of Super Learning Day. This was a day where we were given the opportunity to further explore our subjects beyond the specification. Tia Dhaliwal & Muskan Gupta (Year 12) describe more below.
Activities ranged from exam technique, key word revision, and further applicable knowledge for our chosen A level subjects, all of which opened our minds.
There were two sessions that ran throughout the day for Biology. One of the events that they took part in was a key words revision session. This was especially useful as it allowed us to refresh and build on our AS knowledge through innovative activities such as charades. In the second session students were able to practise their revision technique which would prepare them for the upcoming exam period. We got taught a range of techniques to aid us in this process such as how to approach past paper questions, and how to create mind maps and utilise key words.
In Economics, we took a step back from our day-to-day class routine and investigated how economics originated and what the subject meant to us. In the other periods students got a chance to explore a very current and topical subject which was the housing market. This was great as it gave us an insight into the A2 course and allowed us to apply our economics knowledge to the real world.
These sessions were carried out during period's 1-4 and in period 5 we were listened to a motivational speaker who goes by the name 'Action Jackson'. Throughout this talk we were inspired by his positive outlook on life and plan to succeed. He gave each one of us the belief in ourselves to achieve in every aspect of our lives, and ended his entertaining session with a song called "Cheesecake". On behalf of all the year 12 students, we thank Action Jackson for a brilliant end to our Super Learning Day, and the teaching staff for preparing such an insightful focus day for us.