Admission to Year 7 - September 2024
School allocations and appeals for September 2024 entry
Parents will be able to access their child's school allocation through their relevant local authority portal on Friday 1st March 2024.
The opportunity to appeal is available to parents if your child is not offered a place in their preferred grammar school which has been named on the Common Application Form. Applications for appeals must be made by Wednesday 3rd April 2024 and timely appeals will be heard by the Independent Appeals Panel in April, May and June 2024.
Please click here or use the link below to access the Slough Consortium Appeals website.
Please note:
- You cannot start an appeal until Friday 1st March 2024.
- Do not contact the individual schools regarding appeals as the process is carried out independently to ensure fairness and objectivity.
Langley Grammar School open events
Open Evening - September 2023
The Langley Grammar School Open Evening took place on Tuesday 26th September from 4.30pm to 8pm, with opportunities to tour the school and attend a presentation by the Headteacher.
If you could not attend the open evening, a recorded version of the Headteacher's presentation will be available online on our Virtual Open Evening (link to follow) webpage following the open event.
Open Mornings
We offered four Open Mornings in October 2023 for prospective students and parents to view the school in operation. These events were aimed at pupils in Year 6 and their parents, and were intended to provide another opportunity to visit the school before parents completed the Common Application Form by 31st October 2023.
Open mornings and afternoons will also be offered in June/July 2024. These will be aimed primarily at parents of pupils currently in Year 5.
Langley Grammar School Admissions arrangements for 2024 entry to Year 7
The formal Determined Admissions Arrangements (also known as the admissions policy) for entry to Langley Grammar School in September 2024 were approved by the Governing Board in February 2023 and can be accessed here.
You can also access a pdf version of the Admissions Arrangements here or from the link at the bottom of this page.
Slough Consortium 11+ arrangements for September 2024 entry
The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools consists of Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. The purpose of the Consortium is to coordinate arrangements for entry to Year 7 through a common 11+ examination.
We operate a shared 11+ entrance examination process using the same examination papers and common eligibility criteria. The 11+ examination for entry to Year 7 in September 2024 will be held on Saturday 16 September 2023.
We have produced two key documents to give you more information about the Slough Consortium 11+ testing process. You can access them by clicking the links below or by downloading from the document list at the end of this page.
Slough Consortium Guide to the 11+ for 2024 entry
Slough Consortium Key Dates for September 2024 entry
Registration for the Slough Consortium 11+ Examination
Registration for the 2023 test is now closed.
Registration for the September 2024 test will open in late April 2024.
Parents should log on to the portal at to view their child’s 11+ result. They should use the email and password they set when registering their child for the examination.
To see the result – please click on the test results icon.
Children who scored 111 or above in the test, were eligible to be considered for a place at any of the Slough Consortium grammar schools that were named on their Common Application Form.
There were far more eligible applicants than there were places available, so schools applied their oversubscription criteria to decide how the places were offered. If you have questions about any particular school’s admissions arrangements, please contact that school’s admissions officer directly.
You must complete your Common Application Form by 31st October, listing the schools to which you wish to apply in your genuine order of preference. If a school requires an additional supplementary information form to be completed to help them decide on how to allocate places, this must be submitted to the school concerned by 31st October. Returning a supplementary form is simply providing the school with further required information – it does not guarantee that you will be offered a place.
Langley Grammar School doesn't require a supplementary form at this point in time.
You will be able to find out which school your child has been allocated on 1st March 2024.
Please view our Frequently Asked Questions regarding Admission Test Results and Statistics summary for 2023 entry documents on the links below or by downloading from the documents list at the end of this page.
11+ test provider from September 2023
The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools has contracted with GL Assessment as the test provider for the 11+ examinations to be held in September 2023, 2024 and 2025.
The structure and format of the examinations from September 2023 will be similar to those used under the previous provider. Pupils will sit two test papers, with questions covering a combination of verbal and non-verbal reasoning, English and mathematics. All marking and standardisation will be carried out by the test provider.
The eligibility score will continue to be set at 111 on a standardised scale. Pupils who score 111 or above will be in the top 35% of the cohort sitting the examination and will be considered eligible for consideration for a grammar school place should their parents apply on their behalf.
The Slough Consortium has its own contract with GL Assessment and there will be no sharing of 11+ scores with any other schools.
11+ Familiarisation material
The test provider GL has produced some familiarisation material which may be helpful in preparing your child for the test in September.
GL familiarisation materials - Parent's guides with some example test question booklets and answer sheets. You can access them by downloading from the document list at the end of this page.
More examples and materials may be available online.
Online Information Event
An online information briefing for parents was held on Tuesday 25th April 2023. The aim of this briefing was to provide information about registering your child for the Slough Consortium 11+ examination and the arrangements for competing the Common Application Form.
A recorded version of the presentation can be found below:
Following the presentation, a question and answer session was held. A summary of the questions asked by parents, and the Consortium responses, will be available through the following link from Tuesday 2nd May.
11+ information event Q&A summary to follow