Admissions - general information
"Leaders ensure all pupils experience a broad, ambitious academic curriculum coupled with first-class provision for personal development.
As one parent commented, ‘This is a wonderful school for the overall development of your child.’ "
Ofsted, November 2021
Most students enter Langley Grammar School in Year 7 through the 11+ academic selection process. There are occasional vacancies for places in other year groups - any such places are allocated through the in-year admissions process. A further group of students will join the Sixth Form from other schools at the start of Year 12.
Entry to Year 7
Children are eligible to be considered for admission to Langley Grammar School in Year 7 if they meet the required standard in the 11+ examination, which is designed to identify pupils with the ability and aptitude for the kind of education offer by the four grammar schools in Slough.
Langley Grammar School is part of an 11+ testing consortium with Herschel Grammar School, Upton Court Grammar School, and St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School.
Click here for information about entry to Year 7 in September 2023.
Click here for information about entry to Year 7 in September 2024.
Click here for information about entry to Year 7 in September 2025.
Slough Consortium 11+ Test provider for the 2023 test (2024 entry to Year 7)
The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools consists of Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. The purpose of the Consortium is to coordinate arrangements for entry to Year 7 through a common 11+ examination.
The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools has contracted with GL Assessment as the test provider for the 11+ examinations to be held in September 2023, 2024 and 2025.
The structure and format of the examinations from September 2023 are similar to those used under the previous provider. Pupils will sit two test papers, with questions covering a combination of verbal and non-verbal reasoning, English and mathematics. All marking and standardisation will be carried out by the test provider.
The eligibility score will continue to be set at 111 on a standardised scale. Pupils who score 111 or above will be in the top 35% of the cohort sitting the examination and will be considered eligible for consideration for a grammar school place should their parents apply on their behalf.
The Slough Consortium has its own contract with GL Assessment and there will be no sharing of 11+ scores with any other schools.
Parents intending to enter their child for the 11+ test in September 2023 should refer to the information about the testing and application arrangements which can be found here.
Please note that Slough Consortium does not support or promote tutoring for the 11+ examination – regardless of provider – as the test outcomes should be an indicator of the child’s natural academic ability and their potential to benefit from the kind of academic education provided in the grammar schools.
Entry to Year 8 – 11
Admission to other year groups (known as 'in year admissions') will be subject to the availability of places, and the demonstration of a comparable standard of ability to the year group in question. This will be determined by ability tests set by the school, together with an academic report from the applicant’s current school.
Click here for further information about in-year admissions.
Sixth Form
The great majority of Year 11 students at Langley Grammar School stay on to the Sixth Form, and we also welcome a number of students transferring from other schools.
Students hoping to join our Sixth Form should have a good GCSE profile, averaging a minimum average points score of 5.5 across the range of subjects studied. Grade 5 or above is required in English Language and Mathematics.
For further information about entry to the Sixth Form please visit the Sixth Form admissions page.
For enquiries about admissions, please contact the school on the main school telephone number 01753 598300, or email