Drama and Theatre
Years 7-9
During Years 7-9 the following topics are taught.
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Mime and tableau (baseline assessment) Script exploration and performance: 'Lost on Mystery Mountain' Further script exploration (with a focus on creating atmosphere through technical elements): 'Dracula' The Living House - physical theatre Improvisation |
Pantomime Scripted theatre and production: Shakespeare in collaboration with the English department Storytelling Dance and movement / physical theatre: war poetry unit in collaboration with the English department Improvisation with dance and drama |
Devising through music and text: 'The Journey' Devising and performance of a ghost story Exploration and performance of a duologues script
Students studying the subject at GCSE follow the AQA 8261 specification. During the course the following topics are covered.
Year 10 | Year 11 |
Component 1: Understanding drama
How it's assessed:
Component 2: Devising drama (practical) What's assessed?
How it's assessed?
Component 1: Understanding drama
How it's assessed
Component 3: Texts in practice (practical) What's assessed?
How it's assessed?
For more detailed information on the course content and assessment please refer to the examination board website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama/gcse/drama-8261
A Level
Students studying the subject at A Level follow the AQA 7262 specification. During the course the following topics are covered.
Year 12 | Year 13 |
Component 1: Interpreting drama What’s assessed?
How it’s assessed? Written exam of 2 hours worth 40% of AS
Component 2: Process and performance(practical) What’s assessed?
How it’s assessed?
Component 1: Drama and Theatre What’s assessed?
How it’s assessed? Written exam of 3 hours worth 40% of A-level
Component 2: Creating original drama (practical) What’s assessed?
How it’s assessed?
Component 3: Making theatre (practical) What’s assessed?
How it’s assessed?
For more detailed information on the course content and assessment please refer to the examination board website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama/a-level/drama-and-theatre-7262