Year 10 Practice Exams
The Year 10 practice examinations are scheduled to begin week commencing 24th April 2023. These will provide students with their first experience of sitting GCSE papers in all their subjects. The results from the examinations will give a good indication of their understanding of the topics covered to date.
- A letter to parents is available here.
- The general exam timetable for years 10 and 12 is available here.
- A briefing for parents about the arrangements for year 10 practice exam is available here.
The next round of practice examinations is scheduled for the latter part of the Autumn Term in Year 11.
The Steps to Success programme.
In preparation for their practice examinations, students in year 10 are following a tutor time programme which we have developed called ‘Steps to Success’. The aim is to provide students with guidance on how to prepare for their upcoming examinations equipping them with effective revision strategies. Our experience is that many students rely too much on simply re-reading and highlighting notes. Instead, we want them to use their time wisely by employing strategies that are likely to be effective in ensuring they can recall knowledge and apply it well in their examinations.
As well as receiving support from tutors, students in year 10 will attend a Steps to Success revision workshop on Tuesday 15th March. Here are a selection of the strategies that students will be taught and have been encouraged to use:
- Dual coding –using both text and images when creating revision notes to aid retention of material – for example, using an annotated diagram rather than a block of text in revision notes.
- Deconstructing and reducing content to ensure notes cover the most relevant information on specifications, for example, on flash cards, which the student can then be tested on
- Creating mindmaps to make connections between different pieces of information.
- Using memory cues – for example, mnemonics, songs and poems to aid the recall of information.
- Practice testing – for example, completing past paper questions.
- Planning and sticking to a maneagable revision timetable.
It would be helpful if you could ask your son or daughter how he or she is putting these, and other strategies into practice as part of their preparation for the practice examinations. Students should be setting aside time on a regular basis to revise and consolidate their learning, over and above the time they spend completing homework assignments that teachers set them. It is also important that students have time to rest, relax, exercise and pursue other activities aside from school work.
Useful online resources for GCSE study
We can recommend the following online resources which our students have found useful in the past:
1. Seneca Learning ( Seneca is a free-to use learning platform covering many GCSE courses.
2. GCSE Pod GCSE Pod is a paid-for learning platform with many instructional videos and learning activities.
3. Brainscape Brainscape is a free app that enables students to create flash cards for revision.
4. BBC Bitesize ( BBC Bitesize is a free revision site covering a wide range of GCSE subjects.
5. The Oak National Academy ( The Oak National Academy is a free government funded platform developed during the pandemic to provide quality online learning resources to students across a wide range of subjects.
Specific information about each GCSE subject
On the curriculum pages of our school website (link below) you can find out the topics covered in each subject during years 10 and 11 along with a link to the relevant examination board website.
Below I have collated information from each department regarding resources which students in the past have found useful in helping them revise. You will also find tips from subject leaders on how students can be succesful in their GCSE studies, along with other information where approriate.
English |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: PiXL Apps, digital revision booklets (generated by the department) and knowledge organisers. |
Students may also find these resources useful: BBC Bitesize and CGP Revision guides |
Our top tips on supporting students at home: Creating opportunities to engage with non-fiction texts. Helping students memorise quotations. Monitoring completion of homework tasks. |
Mathematics |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Powerpoints and resources on topics already covered Mymaths |
Students may also find this resources useful: EdExcel GCSE Maths higher student book: ISBN 978-0-19-835151-1 |
Our three top tips on what students can do: Focus on weaker areas. Regularly revisit and practice questions on topics taught earlier in the course. Use Mymaths and Pixl Maths app regularly. |
Physics |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: OUP OCR Gateway GCSE Physics OUP OCR Gateway Physics for Combined Science |
Students may also find these resources useful: CGP GCSE Physics for OCR Gateway (9781782945680) Collins OCR GCSE Revision Physics (978-0008160784) |
Parents may also be interested to know that: Practice papers can be found from the OCR website, and sharepoint (Physics@LGS). |
Biology |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: OUP OCR Gateway GCSE Biology OUP OCR Gateway Biology for Combined Science |
Students may also find these resources useful: Grade 9-1 GCSE Biology: OCR Gateway Exam Practice Workbook (ISBN-13: 978-1782945154) |
Our top tips on what students can do: Encourage weekly review of content covered in lessons. Use practice questions/past paper questions every time you revise Use spaced practice so that you can go back to look at Y9 content (i.e Module 1) |
Chemistry |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: OCR Gateway GCSE Chemistry from Keboodle. Worksheets and revision quizzes from Kerboodle. |
Students may also find these resources useful: CGP GCSE Chemistry for OCR Gateway ISBN 978 1 78294 567 3. CGP GCSE Chemistry Exam Practice Workbook ISBN 9781782945161 |
Our top tips on what students can do: Make Flash cards for each topic. Review topics covered on a regular basis using the GCSE revision guide and the workbook. Work through exam questions from |
French / German |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: AQA French/German for GCSE Kerboodle Vocab Express Quizlet |
Students may also find these resources useful: CGP AQA German revision ISBN: 9781782945543 CGP AQA French revision ISBN: 9781782945390 |
Our top tips on what students can do: Please encourage students to look on Classcharts and OneNote if they are absent to find out work missed. If the work is focused on grammar they should read the notes carefully and if necessary go to French/Germn club on return. French and German club run every week to support students. |
Music |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Music Study Guide Rhinegold Education Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Music Anthology of Music Pearson Education |
Students may also find these resources useful: Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Music Student Book Pearson Education Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Music Revision Guide Rhinegold Education Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Music Listening Tests Rhinegold Education |
Finally, the following links are useful for students to refer to for their revision: |
Technology (Product Design) |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Year 10: AQA GCSE (9-1) Design & Technology text book by M J Ross |
Students may also find these resources useful: AQA GCSE (9-1) Design & Technology text book By M J Ross AQA GCSE 9-1 Design & Technology Workbook (Collins GCSE 9-1 Revision guide) |
Parents may also be interested to know that: The NEA (coursework) task deadline is just before February half term in Year 11. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Ensure students keep up to date with work. Ensure students are spending at least 2 hours a week at home working on their NEA task. Students will start the NEA in the summer term of Year 10. |
Technology (Food and Nutrition) |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Textbook OCR GCSE Food and Nutrition by Val Fehners Nutrients Software |
Students may also find these resources useful: OCR GCSE Food and Nutrition revision guide by Val Fehners |
Parents may also be interested to know that: Food Technology students also sit a practical exam at the end of Year 10. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Ensure students keep up to date with work. Ensure students are spending at least 2 hours a week at home working on their NEA task. |
Design Technology; Art Textiles |
Students may also find these resources useful: The Help Pack which is on their One Note has a range of helpful information of what should be included on design boards and how to do annotation and artist research effectively. BBC Bitesize GCSE Art and Design has some useful guidance. |
Parents may also be interested to know that: The Personal Portfolio represents 60% of the course, made up of three project themes and an exam unit which is issued in January in Year 11. Students will need to submit their completed portfolio in May and may need a digital copy of their presentation. |
Our top tips on what parents can do: Support their son/daughter by asking about the project they are working on and looking at their art with them. Look through their work. Ensure all text can be read and makes sense. Get them to explain their ideas and why they are choosing to do things in the way they are. Access to basic textiles equipment at home is also very useful. |
Business Studies |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Text book "Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business" by Pearson |
Students may also find these resources useful: Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business Revision Guide (purple book) Edexcel GCSE Business Target 9-6 by Ian Marcousé (Links for these two resources are on student “Welcome page” on their OneNote) |
Our top tips on what students can do: Use the strategies shared at the "Steps to success" revision workshop and Learning Scientists website. Read BBC Business news. |
Geography |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: EdExcel Geography B Revision Guide and Revision Workbook (on our sharepoint, Sapientia) Brainscape Cards iBooks with past paper exam questions in them |
Students may also find this resource useful: GCSE Geography Edexcel B Student Book published by OUP |
Our top tips on what students can do: Complete Mind Maps to a high standard Use the iBooks to practice past paper questions Ensure their one note geography sections are completed to a high standard |
Art |
Parents may also be interested to know that: Portfolio (60% of course mark) submission deadline will be first lesson back after the Christmas holidays in year 11. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Support their son/daughter by asking about the project they are working on and looking at their art with them. Get them to explain their ideas and why they are choosing to do things in the way they are. Access to basic art equipment at home is also very useful. |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: AQA GCSE (9-1) PE by Ross Howitt |
Students may also find these resources useful: My Revision Notes: AQA GCSE (9-1) PE 2nd Edition. Revise AQA GCSE (9-1) Physical Education Revision Guide: includes online edition (REVISE AQA GCSE PE 2016) |
Parents may also be interested to know that: Students sit regular end of topic exams, approximately one 1 per half term. Where possible, students will receive 2 weeks notice of these exams to help them with their revision. Students must attend extra-curricular clubs in and outside of school in their 3 practical assessed activities. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Promote and support an interest in PE and Sport. |
Religious Studies |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: Textbook with accompanying revision textbook (Christianity & Islam only) Topic on a page mind maps with questions (Christianity), Zig zag course companion guide All of the above are on SapientiaAll of the above are on Sapientia |
Parents may also be interested to know that: Students need to give a detailed account of religious beliefs. They must use sources of wisdom to justify religious attitudes and actions. They need to be able to evaluate the beliefs they present. Students should therefore focus on these skills for revision. |
History |
Students may also find these resources useful: 'My Revision Notes' published by Hodder. There are 3 separate books (3 of the 4 units If the students search this one on Amazon, they will find the books which have been published for 'Early Elizabethan England' and 'Superpower Relations and the Cold War'- there isn't yet one for the Russia topic). The details for the Crime and Punishment book are ISBN-10: 151040323X and ISBN-13: 978-1510403239. Series published by Pearson, 'Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History'. This does have a book for Russia as well as the other 3 units. The details for the Crime and Punishment book are ISBN-10: 1292169702 and ISBN-13: 978-1292169705. BBC Bitesize for History. In Year 11, students will receive our own revision booklets (being made now) for each of their 4 topics. |
Parents may also be interested to know that: We may add in an additional practice examination in Year 11, as well as the main practice examination in December of Year 11. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Use effective revision strategies – don’t just re-write notes. Students should be encouraged to transform their notes in mind-maps, timelines and quizzes that they can use again and again. |
Drama |
Parents may be interested to know that: Students will take their component 3 performance examination in the Autumn Term of Year 11 and their component 2 devised performance examination in the Spring Term. We hope to take students on at least one theatre visit in Year 11 |
Our top tip on what students can do: Practice papers under timed conditions Get involved in extra-curricular Go to the theatre! Watch and/or read as many plays as possible |
Computing |
We have already provided the following resources to students to aid their study: On Sapientia we have: a revision guide, a course companion notes for all topics, help videos, learning grids, and links to Teach ICT, Cambridge MOOC, and Doddle Learn. |
Our top tips on what students can do: Use the learning grids to help build revision notes. Use the topic resources to update and maintain your glossary of key terms. Utilise the departmental resources on Sapientia. |