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Langley Grammar School

Langley Grammar School

Year 11 December Practice Exams

The Practice Examinations in December form an important part of preparation for the final GCSE examinations in the summer. In the unlikely event that GCSE Examinations are cancelled, evidence from these exams would contribute towards Teacher Assessed Grades.  Subject teachers will be assuming that students will take the Practice Examinations seriously; the outcomes will influence the level of support and intervention during the rest of the course and may be used when making recommendations to students about future study after Year 11.  

Students will need to plan their time carefully over the coming weeks. Study leave will be granted for all Year 11 students for the period of the examinations i.e. from Monday 4 December to Thursday 14 December inclusive. Students will be expected in school 15 minutes before their first examination each day. They are free to leave school after their last exam each day. Study space will be provided in school for students to use between exams. They should ensure they use this time to revise thoroughly, treating the mock examinations as they would treat the “real thing” as far as possible.   

Please note: if students need to arrive in school early, or stay in school after their final exam, we must know in advance. Please advise us using this link.

The Practice Exams are organised to mirror the conditions of the real exams in the summer. Students are expected to be familiar with 

  1. The general JCQ guidance regarding behaviour and conduct in exams; westrongly encourage you to read this guide to exams with your children.
  2. The LGS Exam Guidance booklet;
  3. The practical arrangements for this particular set of exams, which includes where bags and valuables can be stored. This information is reproduced below.

When… are these exams?  


  • Monday 4th December until Thursday 14th December
  • You are expected back in school on Friday 15th   December. 
  • MFL Speaking exams are in January.


Why…  are we doing them?  

Do… they matter?  


  • To help your learning! You’ll get a good sense of what do and don’t know after taking the practice exams and your teachers will too … this will help you know what to focus on and help your teachers know how to best support you in the run up to your final exams in the summer.   

  • There’s a very slim chance that your teachers will need to use your exam papers for Teacher Assessed Grades next summer – but only if exams are cancelled again, which is unlikely.    

What…  is different from the previous set of exams?  


  • Longer exams for most subjects – the exam week lasts for almost two weeks now. They are designed to feel a bit more like the exams you will have in the summer.  

  • The exam venues, and where you go when you arrive in school. See details below about venues. The exam timetable is complex, but you have your own personal version. You will not always be in the same room!  It is your responsibility to know which room your exam is in.
  • We will be running the exams so you experience everything about the JCQ regulations. For example, you cannot bring mobile phones or watches in the exam venues.  From 2022, you can only bring transparent water bottles without labels.


Where… are these exams  


  • We are using lots of venues, but mainly  

  • The Main Hall and Dance Studio  

  • Rooms 122 and 123 (next door to the library)  

  • Room 702 and 007  

How… will my valuables be looked after?   

Where… should I wait for exams?  


  • Please congregate in the Sports Centre reception[Sc1] [DH2] . Be mindful of students moving to lessons. 
  • You must leave your bags in wire mesh cases, labelled by House colour. Use the most appropriate cage. During the exam you will not be able to access them. You must not leave your bags anywhere else around the school!
  • Mobile phones, valuables and watches should be given in at the Sports Centre reception. They will go into a freezer bag and you’ll get a raffle ticket.  The freezer bags will go into coloured boxes (your house colour) and stored away securely during the exam. You can collect them from the main school reception after the exam, in exchange for that raffle ticket. 

Do… we have study leave?  


  • Yes - You need to arrive in school up to 15 minutes before your first assessment each day.  

Where… can I go after my exams?  


If you have no more exams, 

  • you are free to leave school and must sign out. For larger exams signing out sheets will be at Sports Centre reception. If no-one is there, please go to Student Support instead.
  • If it is break / lunch, you can join the rest of school to eat outside as normal. 

If you have a longer break between exams, you must stay in school. We will direct you to study spaces each day:

  • For small groups of students, you’ll be directed to work in the library; 
  • For larger groups, you’ll go your normal lesson rooms. 
  • If you have an exam during break or lunch, you’ll will have access to early break/lunch at either 10:20 or 12:30 respectively.

** Information about venues to study will be available each day on digital screens. **  

Can… I come into school instead of studying at home?  


  • Yes. But you must fill in this form to let us know you are intending to come to school. This is to help us keep you safe.  

  • Sign in at Student Support when you arrive. This is in case a fire alarm goes off.    


If… I car share, can I wait in school?  


  • Yes. But you must - fill in this form to let us know you are intending to stay in school. When you get to school you’ll work in the library (or classrooms if directed).